Mud Map & Directions
Any enquiries or information ring
Chris Bright at Kimberley Station 08 80911624 or
Kimberley Station is 140 Kilometres south of Broken Hill via Silver City Highway bordering on SA.
Approximate Distances from towns are :
- 266 km from Burra, SA to Kimberley Station Racecourse
- 208 km from Yunta, SA to Kimberley Station Racecourse
- 240 km from Morgan, SA to Kimberley Station Racecourse
- 240 km from Renmark, SA to Kimberley Station Racecourse
- 245 km from Wentworth,NSW to Kimberley Station Racecourse
- 140km from Broken Hill, NSW to Kimberley Station Racecourse
Broken Hill Directions:
Head Down the Wentworth Road 70km's and turn right at the Netley Road and travel in for 70km's.
Burra, SA Directions:
Go Straight through Burra out to Morgan Road 5kms towards Morgan turn left on Eastern Road.
Follow signs to got past Sturtvale, Quondong, Oakvale and Lochlilly then the Races Signs to Racecourse.
Please be aware the Burra road T's onto the Yunta to the Border Road
266km from Burra to Kimberley Racecourse.
After Lochlily you continue along the road through a few gates which may be open or shut. One of these
gates is the Lochlily / Kimberley Boundary gate, it has iron on it. After you go over some sandhills, you will see
a sign on the lefthand side which heads into the racecourse. Follow the signs through 2 gates to get there.
Morgan, SA Directions:
From Morgan head out on the Renmark Road until after the first creek and turn down the dirt road there to go to past
Balah, Cangrass and Pine Valley. At Pine Valley is a sharp turn right.
In the Danggali Park is also a T junction which you have to turn sharp Left rather than drive on.
The next T junction is where you meet the Yunta/Burra to the Border Road. Turn right.
After Lochlily you continue along the road through a few gates which may be open or shut. One of these
gates is the Lochlily / Kimberley Boundary gate, it has iron on it. After you go over some sandhills, you will see
a sign on the lefthand side which heads into the racecourse. Follow the signs through 2 gates to get there.
Mildura / Wentworth Directions:
Travel towards Broken Hill, past the Coombah Halfway Roadhouse. When you get to the Lochilly Road Turning off to your left, turn in. You travel up the road approximately 60km and turn at the T junction to your right onto the Budgeree Road. Travel along that road until you come the racecourse turn off after 3 gates.